Friday, 15 September 2023
AdMedika Encourages New Innovations for Hospitals in the Era of Health Insurance

Jakarta - Health services in the era of health insurance, which originally aimed to encourage quality and cost control, did not necessarily make hospitals - as actors of health services to patients - also feel the impact of efficiency in terms of costs. In fact, cost variations that occur in the field often lead to differences in the cost of insurance in hospitals.
With the theme 'Synchronized Health Insurance Cost in Efficiency Era', AdMedika invited nine provider partner hospitals to the workshop agenda. The nine hospitals are Mitra Keluarga Group Hospital, Hermina Group Hospital, Collombia Group Hospital, Yarsi Hospital, Sari Asih Hospital, Andhika Hospital, Harapan Bunda Hospital, RSIA Resti Mulya and Prikasih Hospital. The goal is to gain insights that will later become the foundation of AdMedika in developing digital services for the health ecosystem.
Opened by Nur Ratih Suryawati GM Provider Service, she said that the solution presented by AdMedika in today's event is Healthical Prediction. Ratih also hopes that hospitals can provide feedback, questions and suggestions so that in the future this solution can be a useful innovation.
Healthical Prediction itself is a middleware platform for controlling patient health insurance service rates for hospitals and functions as a claim file automation in hospitals.
Auladi Rahman Senior Executive Provider Account Solution and Yoppie Caprilauda Product Owner Platform Senior Specialist gave a presentation and demo.