Monday, 11 September 2023

Supporting the Implementation of Hybrid Working, AdMedika Attends Prasmul-eli Seminar to Explore the Concept of Hybrid Workin

Supporting the Implementation of Hybrid Working, AdMedika Attends Prasmul-eli Seminar to Explore the Concept of Hybrid Workin

AdMedika sees the implementation of Flexible Working Arrangement (FWA) as a new opportunity to develop the organization to be more dynamic through the help of technology. Moreover, AdMedika is built on the mission of becoming a company that supports digital transformation, strengthened by one of the company's cultures, namely adaptive, AdMedika considers the need for a mechanism that can harmonize between company goals, technology and ways of working.

As a concrete step, AdMedika joined the collaboration of Prasmul-eli and Center for Creative Leadership represented by Rizka Manager HC Learning & Development, Nadia AsMan Talent Management, Puji Haryasih Asman Compensation & Benefit and Eko Agus AsMan Competency Development as participants in the agenda and also attended by representatives from Marketing & Business AdMedika who enlivened with live interaction at AdMedika booth. Thursday (31/8)

The seminar was held at Prasetiya Mulya University, Cilandak Campus which was moderated by Dr. Fatmasari Diah Permata, MSc., MARS Head of Media Clinic PT. Pangansari Utama Food Resource and presented resource persons from multi-industry practitioners such as Dudi Arisandi Chief People Officer, Houda Muljanti Director of HR and Compliance PT. BCA Syariah, Deddi Tedjakumara Chief Executive Officer prasmul-eli, Teuku Zilmahram Deputy Director of Assessment Service prasmul-eli.

Exclusively, prasmul-eli presented Diana Khaitova Head of Client Development APAC Center for C