Thursday, 2 November 2023
Improving Internal Audit Implementation Knowledge, AdMedika Benchmarks Internal Audit Function with Infomedia

Jakarta - In order to improve knowledge related to the implementation of Internal Audit, AdMedika conducted an IA function benchmark with the theme "Collaboration to Improving IA Function" which was motivated by the need to improve knowledge related to the Company's IA function which was held offline at AdMedikadi STO Gambir headquarters, Monday (30/10).
In this agenda, Infomedia's Executive Internal Auditor, Feddy Kuswandana, AdMedika's Executive Internal Auditor, Fera Mutiara Dewi and AdMedika's Internal Audit team were also present. In this activity Feddy explained important matters related to the implementation of IA, namely the basis of IA activities, the basis for determining PKAT, audit implementation techniques, and reporting. "The IA function is intended to strengthen internal control carried out by the 3rd line and provide added value to corporate governance", said Feddy.
This activity ran smoothly and received enthusiasm from all benchmark participants from AdMedika who asked the presenters. "That the benchmark is expected to provide insight for the implementation of IA at AdMedika," said Ferra separately.
The expected result of the IA function benchmark is to increase the knowledge of IA at AdMedika on the ideal IA implementation, the basis for making the audit universe and the basis for making PKAT.