
Claim Management Services

AdClaim Coordination of Benefits (CoB) falls under the AdClaim Managed Care category, where AdClaim CoB offers an integrated solution designed specifically to support government’s National Health Insurance (Jaminan Kesehatan National or JKN) programme that has been running since 01 January 2014.

CoB itself is a system used to determine payment responsibility for health insurance claims if an individual has more than one guarantor, such as having BPJS Kesehatan and private insurance which is considered as an additional health insurance or a "top-up payer". Through AdClaim CoB, health insurance benefits and costs can be easily identified and shared between BPJS Kesehatan and the top-up payer.

AdClaim CoB is offering solutions that can be utilized by healthcare providers, private insurance companies, state-owned enterprises, or private companies with health foundations or self-insured ones.